New Video from CCGG View "MY WALK"

The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree with the “Dorsey” name when it comes to theentertainment business. The Original Hotboy and multi-platinum artist from Cashmoney Records“BG” AKA “BGizzle” cousin “CCGG VIEW” has entered the music industry under his 1 stcousin guidance since 2009. What does “CCGG” mean? It’s the new label the BG start entitled“Chopper City Guerrilla Gang” in 2010 and View was 1 of the 1sts artists to be introduced alongwith Jigg, Mike D, Rooster & Kutta Birdy before he got incarcerated 2011.The group continued to move forward along with promoting #freebg hashtag their "HoodGeneral" in Charge. Loyalty always been a factor throughout their movement as they continue torepresent their label Boss (BG). They dropped their 1st Mixtape entitled "Chopper City StillAn Arm" & 2nd "Chopper City D Boyz" both hosted by BG own DJ Hektik. The group decidedto strengthen their solo careers while continuing to promote #freebg.View came out with his 1st mixtape in 2021 that he recorded himself entitled & "I Gotta Eat" Vol 1which gained a lot of attraction. Then he dropped his 1 st EP entitled “Mudd Life” March 2021.You can find different videos on YouTube of the group and View solo projects by searching“CCGG”. View continued to promote and build his fanbase but he knew he was missing the keypiece to his career.He decided to move to Detroit to bring his career to the next level by bringing his mother, CarolA Dorsey (Madd Money Entertainment Group) & "Big Sweetz (It All Raw) into managing hiscareer along with the support from his Unc Red (Wideopen Mgmt).For the past 6 months “View” developed his own new signature sound when it comes to hismusic and has recorded 100 + songs. Wanting to introduce his new-found sound to his fans alongwith his new found fanbase, he decided to drop his 1 st album under his new management “MaddMoney Entertainment" & "It’s All Raw Promotions” entitled “Life of A Ghetto Soulja” (RightingMy Wrongs) February 18 th , 2022. The title came from his momanager “Carol A Dorsey” seeingwhat her son has been through over the past 7 years plus hearing the growth in his musical talent.His 1 st single “My Walk” along with video dropped January 7 th , 2022. Make sure you check it outon his YouTube Channel “CCGG VIEW” plus listen to his new single & other music on alldigital outlets NOW. You can find out everything from exclusive interviews plus buy his musicon his personal website www.ccggview.comFollow him on all social media outlets “CCGG VIEW”


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