Interview Series : Mark Cooper
As 2019 wraps up I had the opportunity to sit down and chop it up with one of the busiest Detroit artists of the year. Mark Cooper, has continued to etch his path in powerful ways from releasing the critically acclaimed album "The Allspark" to taking to the road for his first national tour. On top of that he recently performed at Youmacon Detroit helping further cement his status as the cities king of Nerdcore Rap.
As a nerdcore rapper, Mark Cooper gets to rhyme around nostalgia that would warm the souls of any kid who grew up in the 90's. From a mixtape series about Saturday morning cartoons to his travels as Player One, his raps traverse a plethora of memories for those reflecting. Just recently he continued his quest with "Ranger Raps" an ep packed with six raps for six rangers, each color specific, & with segments voiced by the actual actors who played the rangers in real life. It's a mighty morphing EP if you ask me!
Let's not forget his greatest accomplishment of 2019 and one of the most stellar hip-hop concept albums I've come across in recent times. For emcees who dare venture into the world of concept albums this sequel in a series of more to come not only tells its story authentically, but it engages you as you listen in order following Player One on his journey. It's a depth that allows you to climb in, and pick out new things with each listening session.To learn more about, or follow along with Player One aka Mark Cooper's journies yourself be sure to hit up the link below & find him on social:Website: