Aztek The Barfly - The Prekill

With that real hip hop penetrating the space between your eardrums Aztek The Barfly stamps your brains with his latest sounds. In mixtape form "The Prekill"  keeps it hard-hitting throughout clocking in at ten records. ( Sidenote: 10 is my favorite number of tracks for a project. Let @detroitrap know your ideal album/mixtape length on Twitter!) Upon my first full & thorough listen I heard a very consistent, well thought out, & sonically cohesive project worthy of much more rotation. The tag alongs via features from the likes of Nolan the Ninja, Guilty Simpson and El Da Sensi fit the mold & each shines in their perspective time given. The background music isn't any pitter patter either, after appearing with a verse on track two Nolan The Ninja also provides production on track four. Nolan's not the only producer shining bright here though - Pig Pen , Eddie Logix, & Foul Mouth among others also provide wonderful pallets for Aztek The Barfly to do what he does best across the entire mixtape....drop BARS! "The Prekill" is out now for just $5 via Bandcamp today & remember if you like what you hear #support & #share! This is DETROIT RAP!


Eddie Logix - Why Would You Splash Me?


Chavis Chandler - Summertime